Pediatric ENT in Corpus Christi
Some kids rip through boxes of facial tissues just for giggles—other kids fill those tissues because their noses won’t stop running. Some kids won’t go to sleep because they can’t stop playing—other kids can’t sleep from ear pain. And some kids snore like drunken sailors—even though they are two years old. If your child has ear, nose, throat symptoms like these, It’s important to see a specialist like the ENT at Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy in Corpus Christi. We can help diagnose common ENT issues and improve the quality of your child’s life.
Common Pediatric ENT Issues
Allergies, frequent colds and congenital problems are all frequent culprits distressing ear, nose and throat problems in children. And these symptoms can actually hamper your child’s development—and sometimes their lives. Your pediatric ENT at Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy can diagnose and provide proper, child-appropriate treatment so you and your child can breathe easy again.
How Can I Tell If My Child Has an Ear Infection?
Ear infections (Otitis media) are the number one reason parents haul their children to the doctor. With touchy, immature immune systems kids are often far more susceptible to more frequent colds that trigger head congestion. At the same time, the anatomy of a child’s head is still developing from birth to age six—specifically the Eustachian tubes.
These tubes maintain proper air pressure in the middle ear (for hearing) and normally drain fluid from the ears down into the throat. But the Eustachian tubes are not fully developed in early childhood. They are narrower, weaker and more horizontal, so they can easily clog with bacteria and fluid from backups in the nose and throat. Hence the frequent ear infections, ear pain, pressure, ear drainage, and sleepless nights.
If your child has recurring ear infections, you need to visit Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy for proper diagnosis and treatment; not only to relieve your child’s pain but because this window of early childhood is critical to your child’s speech and language development. Frequent ear infections often negatively impact hearing, making it harder for your child to develop these important skills.
Why Does My Child Have a Constant Runny Nose?
Ear and nose problems in children are usually interconnected because the very anatomy of the head is interconnected. Children with frequent colds and/or allergies struggle with stuffy, runny noses that just won’t quit. The abundance of extra snot leads to adjacent symptoms of earaches and sore throats because the excess backs up in these areas too.
Children can also have sinus infections, making it hard for them to breathe, sleep and enjoy discovering the world. Sinuses normally produce moistening mucus that clears the nasal passages, even from birth; but again, these are still under development. And when an immune response (from allergies, colds, etc.) triggers excess mucus production, clogs can happen here too:
- Near the bridge of the nose (ethmoid sinuses), which are present and growing from birth.
- Near the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), present and growing from birth
- In the forehead (frontal sinuses), start developing around age seven.
- Deep behind the nose (sphenoid sinuses), develops during adolescence
When Should My Child See a Doctor for a Sore Throat?
Sore throats should be seen right away, especially if the child has a fever or is vomiting, has a rash or other symptoms of strep throat or other throat infections. Excess mucus draining from the nasal passages, sinuses and Eustachian tubes converges in one place: the throat. When bacteria-laden mucus drains down the throat, your child may be up all night with a cough and a sore throat. Abnormalities in throat tissue can also cause alarming breathing problems that need to be addressed right away.
Congenital Childhood Ear Nose & Throat Problems

Speaking of tissue abnormalities, childhood throat, nose and ear problems are not always the result of an immune response (normal or allergic). Congenital defects in the nose and throat can severely impact your child’s ability to breathe properly. Also, until about six months of age, infants can really only breathe through their noses. If an infant’s nose becomes blocked, dangerously low levels of oxygen from pauses in breathing can result.
These are just a few congenital nose and throat issues that need prompt attention:
- Swollen adenoids or tonsils
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Crooked nasal septum
- Ear and Nasal Foreign Bodies
Some of these can be treated during an office visit, some can be alleviated with medication therapies, while some must be treated surgically.
When to Call Our ENT in Corpus Christi
Call your ENT at Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy whenever your child has any of the following symptoms:
- Snoring, sleep apnea
- A runny or stuffy nose lasting more than 10 days
- Persistent cough
- Recurring ear infections and ear drainage
- Headaches, swelling and tenderness around the eyes
- Complaints of post-nasal drip or sore throat
Pediatric ENT Services and Conditions
Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of pediatric ear and throat disorders including:
- Myringotomy with tube placement
- Tonsillectomy with Colblation Technology
- Adenoidectomy
- Frenulectomy
- Medical evaluation for speech delay
- Tonsillitis and Treatment
Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy
Corpus Christi, TX
5641 Esplanade Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Call: 361-320-6130
Fax: 361-287-0101
Monday through Friday, 8am – 5pm
Affiliated with Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC

We can help your child breathe, sleep, and eat better. Call Us