It Seems Like my Sinus Infection is Worse at Night

You thought your sinus infection was clearing up. You’re sneezing less, your headache is nearly gone, and your nose isn’t as runny. But when you went to bed to go to sleep, you started to feel terrible again. Your sinus infection does seem more severe at night. Many people have encountered this very discouraging development […]

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6 Tricks to Make Hearing Aid Batteries Last

There is one component that is the key to making hearing aids economical and that’s the batteries. The cost of replacing them adds up quickly and that makes it one of the biggest financial issues when shopping for hearing aids. Usually the batteries quit at the worst time which is even more distressing. This is […]

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How to Deal With that Annoying Ringing in Your Ears

Whether you hear it occasionally or it’s with you all of the time, the ringing of tinnitus can be annoying. There might be a more suitable word than annoying. How about frustrating or makes-you-want-to-bash-your-head-against-the-desk irritating? That noise that you can’t turn off is an issue however you decide to describe it. So what can be […]

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4 Mistakes New Hearing Aid Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)

You’ve got a set of new hearing aids. Congratulations, it’s a great start to improving the quality of your life. There is a lot to learn when you buy new technology like modern hearing aids, and that includes the things you shouldn’t do. It’s not a long list with hearing aids, but it is an […]

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4 Surprising Side Effects of Hearing Loss

Picture hearing loss and most people imagine an elderly person with an old-fashioned hearing aid saying, “What’s that sonny?” That fact is, hearing loss has risen sharply among all age groups and it affects more than just your ability to hear. There are shocking health consequences for people who ignore it. These four alone make […]

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I Hate That Sound!

There has been a growing awareness over the last several years of an auditory phenomenon. It is called Misophonia. Quite literally, Misophonia is a hatred of sound. Individuals with Misophonia have extreme reactions to certain sounds we hear every day. They are actually hypersensitive to the sound. We probably all have certain sounds that give […]

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My Ears Hurt!

Otalgia, or ear pain, may come from a variety of causes. Primary otalgia originates in the ear itself. Referred otalgia comes from sources near the ear, such as TMJ disorder. Common causes of primary otalgia include infection, middle ear effusion or fluid, and negative middle ear pressure. Negative pressure is seen in patients with Eustachian […]

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Why Does My Voice Sound Different When I Hear it on a Recording?

Everyone has had that moment. The moment where they hear their voice recorded on an answering machine or a video and they think to themselves, that’s not what I sound like, is it? It’s the same reason we watch people who try out on singing shows on TV and think, how can they possibly think […]

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