ENT Health Blog

What are Thyroid Nodules?

Thyroid nodules are focal growths of thyroid cells that form a lump within the gland. The majority of these nodules are benign and not cancerous. Generally, these nodules do not affect the overall metabolic function of the gland. As an ENT practice, we diagnose, evaluate and follow these nodules in patients who have them. When medically indicated, […]

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Children and Noise Exposure

As adults we may realize that sounds are noisy, and that sounds we are exposed to at work or during recreational activities can affect our hearing. What many people don’t realize is that children are often exposed to dangerous levels of sounds and often times we are the ones exposing them to these sounds. In […]

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Why I Love Being an Audiologist, Episode 2 – Kids are Smart

Children are often underestimated. They can be a challenge to work with but very rewarding. While I was working on my Ph.D., I worked for the University as a graduate assistant. I remember one day I was supervising and the clinicians that day were seeing a 4-year old boy for the second time. He had […]

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Can I Take Allergy Medicine if I Have High Blood Pressure?

Many people suffer from seasonal allergies, especially in the Coastal Bend. A common concern that we encounter when treating allergy patients is that they would like to try allergy medicine but are afraid that it will elevate blood pressure.  In general, most allergy medicine is safe to use in patients with underlying high blood pressure. […]

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Inferior Turbinate Reduction

The inferior turbinates are the largest of 3 sets of turbinates that naturally occur within each nasal cavity. They are thin bones lined by mucosa whose purpose is to humidify air via surface area during nasal inspiration. The inferior turbinates are located near the nasal floor, and are often referred to as the bulbous structures that […]

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What Are Myringotomy Tubes?

Myringotomy tubes, otherwise known as ear tubes, are small tubes that are surgically placed into the eardrum. They are also known as pressure equalization tubes. As such, the purpose of these tubes is to equalize the pressure of the middle ear to that of the external ear, or atmospheric pressure. Patients require these tubes when they suffer […]

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Vertigo is a sensation of moving or having the room moving around you. It is often described as a spinning sensation. It can cause nausea and if severe enough, vomiting. If you ever over-indulged in alcohol when younger or participated in a game where they had you spin around several times quickly, you will know […]

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What Causes Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by many things. Some are preventable, some are not. Here we will briefly look at some of the most common causes of hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss Also known as Presbycusis, hearing loss due to aging is the third most common chronic health complaint among older adults. Just as we […]

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Why I Love Being an Audiologist, Episode 1 – How I Became an Audiologist

Over the years, I have been asked by many people, how I came to be an Audiologist. I have to say, I was very fortunate. It was not my first choice of a career. In fact, when I started college I had never even heard of Audiology. But I was one of the lucky ones […]

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In-office Balloon Sinuplasty With Anesthesia Sedation

At Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy, not only do we provide our patients with the most advanced office based 3D image guidance technology for sinus procedures, but we also perform these procedures with Anesthesia sedation. We have local Board Certified Anesthesiologists who administer IV sedation during the procedure to maximize comfort and safety. You will not […]

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