ENT Health Blog

Why I Love Being a Audiologist, Episode 6 – How Hearing Aids Have Changed

Since their earliest development, hearing aids have benefited from advances in technology. The earliest hearing aids were tabletop models. The aid was so large it was actually a large box that could not be carried. You had to sit next to it. You wore headphones connected to the aid with a cord so that you […]

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Lipreading, also known as Speech-reading, is often portrayed as a party game or trick. We see it shown on TV being used by someone trying to read lips of someone on a videotape where there is no audio on a crime show for example. Many of us have probably seen the funny lipreading videos of […]

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What is Prebycusis?

Most people may not have heard the term, but they probably are familiar with the condition. Presbycusis is the technical/medical term for an age-related hearing loss. In fact, hearing loss is the third most common chronic health complaint among older adults (heart disease and arthritis being numbers 1 and 2 respectively). Our audiologist has years of experience […]

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Why Does My Voice Sound Different When I Hear it on a Recording?

Everyone has had that moment. The moment where they hear their voice recorded on an answering machine or a video and they think to themselves, that’s not what I sound like, is it? It’s the same reason we watch people who try out on singing shows on TV and think, how can they possibly think […]

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How Much Noise is Too Much?

Our world today is a very noisy place. Millions of Americans are exposed to dangerously loud levels of sound on a daily basis, and most are unaware of the dangers of it. According to the American Academy of Audiology, over 30 million American workers are exposed to dangerous levels of noise on the job. But […]

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Earwax – What is it For?

Earwax. We all have it, many people find it disgusting, and everyone wants to know: “what is the best way to clean my ears?” Most people seem to be very concerned about cleaning their ears and getting rid of their earwax. The only problem is that earwax serves a very important and beneficial purpose. That […]

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Why I Love Being an Audiologist, Episode 4 – First Time I Cried in Clinic

Hearing loss can be an emotional topic for many people. But when the patient is a child, it is especially so. We had identified a 4-year-old boy with a significant hearing loss. It was bad enough that he could barely hear conversational level speech. As a result, he had very poor speech clarity. Once we […]

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What is the Nasal Cycle?

The nasal cycle is the spontaneous congestion and decongestion of the nasal mucosa during the day, where congestion of one side is accompanied by reciprocal decongestion of the contralateral side. This usually occurs every 4-8 hours. In patients without nasal congestion this generally goes unnoticed. However in patients who suffer from nasal allergies, nasal obstruction from septal deviation, or chronic […]

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Common Style of Hearing Aids

There are so many different brands of hearing aids, it sometimes becomes confusing. However, no matter what brand of hearing aid it is, the style or shape of the hearing aids is fairly consistent from one to the other. Let’s look at the most common styles of hearing aids. There are two primary categories hearing […]

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